"Analyst Herding Around Management Forecast" in K. Ito and M. Nakano, eds., International Perspectives on Accounting and Corporate Behavior, pp.261-283, 2014.
"La valorisation des depenses de R&D au Japon", La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 46e annee, 2011 janvier-avril, pp.71-79, with P. Nguyen and S. Nivoix.
"The valuation of R&D expenditures in Japan" Accounting and Finance, Vol.50 No.4, December 2010, pp.899-920, with P. Nguyen and S. Nivoix.
"The Long-Term Stability of Corporate Capital Structure: Evidence from Japanese Firms",(With A.Ito and T. Mikabe), Australasian Finance and Banking Conference , December 15 2016, Sydney, Australia.
"Forecast Accuracy and Value Relevance by Firm Size- A Comparison of Management and Analyst Forecasts",(With S.Nara), American Accounting Association, August 9 2016, New York, U.S.A..
"The Long-Term Stability of Corporate Capital Structure: Evidence from Japanese Firms",(With A.Ito and T. Mikabe), 2016 FMA Asia/Pacific Conference, July 15 2016, Sydney, Australia.
"Tunneling through earnings management in stock for stock mergers,"(With Y. Aoki, P. Nguyen. and K. Yabe),The 13th Annual Conference Asian Academic Accounting Association, Kyoto, Japan, November 10, 2012.
"Tunneling through earnings management in stock for stock mergers,"(With Y. Aoki, P. Nguyen. and K. Yabe),American Accounting Association, 2012 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, August 6 2012.
"The Valuation of R&D Expenditures in Japan,"(With Pascal Nguyen and Sophie Nivoix),22nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 2009.
"Do Managers fully Understand Accrual Accounting?: Management Earnings Forecasts and Earnings Quality" 19th. American Accounting Association@Anaheim, CA, USA, August, 2008.
"Do Managers fully Understand Accrual Accounting?: Management Earnings Forecasts and Accrual Quality" 19th. Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues @Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia November, 2007.
"Hedging and Taking Risk: On the Role of Derivatives and Stock Options," 1st International Conference on Accounting and Finance,August 31-September 1 2006,Thessaloniki, Greece.
"Why Does Market Undervalue Research and Development Expenditures? Functional Fixation Hypothesis vs. Information Asymmetry Hypothesis," Asian Academic Accounting Association, 7th Annual Conference 2006, September 2006,Sydney.
"Why Does Market Undervalue Research and Development Expenditures? :Functional Fixation Hypothesis vs. Information Asymmetry Hypothesis," European Accounting Association 29th. Annual Congress, March 2006, Dublin, Ireland.